
Who Are We?

'We' are a group of people working together as a team, providing ideas and sharing them with our subscribers. However, most of the management is done by Me, So you could say I'm the Admin ;P

Nevertheless, my team has helped me at times I couldn't get things done. So a Big Thanks to them for supporting me, and I would happily do the same for them!

Who am I?

My name is Jay and I am a big fan of Captain Jack Sparrow. I have always had an interest in Internet Technology, Computer programming, Blogging, and Monetizing. As a kid, I used to play games, but growing up I tried to make some money! Most of the things I post on this blog are spreading fitness ebooks, workout plans, female workout plans, and keto diet recipes. 

Other than that, I have a high-paying job but in my free time, I do workouts and self-improvement classes. In the past, I have made games, small software, and countless websites that I didn't publish online, either because they were personal or just an experiment.

Don't be an alien!

We keep trying to come up with new ideas and constantly try to improve our website to provide you better user experience. This is why we would love to hear from you.